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VCE Chemistry Resources

Units 3 & 4 - 2024 onwards

Units 3 & 4 - pracs, demonstrations, class activities

Units 3 & 4 - exam information

Discussing the 2019 VCE Chemistry Exam (Lanna Derry and Drew Chan, November Lectures 2020)

Past examinations are available from the VCAA Website.

The relevant questions from past VCE Chemistry courses (2008 - 2016) are listed in this document (unofficial, prepared by Penny Commons)

VCAA Sample exam 2017 

Answers to the 2017 VCAA sample exam

These sample answers were written by a team of CEA members. We would like to thank Patrick Sanders and Helen Tachas who reviewed the answers, and lead author: Michael Maslin and authors: Jarrod Bye, Rebecca Johns, Rhys Leslie, Sue Neale, Brandon Olver, Clara Singh, Matt Sloan, Lee Tompsett, Gaya Vazirani, Hannah Vu, Ben William, Ben Williams who wrote the answers. These are suggested answers only and CEA take no responsibility for their use.

Relevant questions from past STAV sample exams are provided in this document (thanks to Lee Tompsett).

Older past exams are available on the VCAA website


The VCAA and the CEA take no responsibility for the relevance of material chosen for use by teachers or students.

Exam material is Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority copyright. Unauthorised use including reproduction, storage or transmission is prohibited. No part of this material may be reproduced (other than the use permitted by this copyright permission), stored in a retreval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the copyright holder.

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